Conquer Imposter Syndrome: 3 Expert Tips to Boost Your Confidence

Imposter Syndrome is common for entrepreneurs, These 3 strategies will help you silence your self-doubt and boost your confidence.

Now that you’ve achieved your current level of success, you’d think your confidence would be rock solid, right? But as you set bigger goals, raise your prices, and get more “next level” opportunities to share your expertise, you may experience imposter syndrome symptoms.

Imposter Syndrome is a trick your mind plays on you causing you to doubt your abilities and feel like a fraud despite unquestionable evidence of your qualifications, expertise and track record of success. 

If you are playing it small and safe in your business when you actually want to be taking your success to the next level, Imposter Syndrome is likely the culprit. 


Try these 3 strategies for silencing the self-doubt and boosting your confidence.

Strategy 1

Recognize Imposter Syndrome Is Common

Many successful entrepreneurs  experience imposter syndrome, and you are not alone. Knowing this can help alleviate some of the pressure you may be feeling.

Strategy 2

Challenge Negative Thoughts

Instead of allowing your negative thoughts to swirl in your mind unquestioned, challenge them.

Often, Imposter Syndrome thoughts show up as questions. Don’t let those go unanswered. If your brain asks, “Who do you think you are to do that?” Answer it by providing all of the reasons you are qualified.

Pose your own questions to poke holes in imposter thoughts. Ask yourself, “How is this thought not true” and compile evidence that proves the doubtful thought is not true.

Strategy 3

Celebrate Your Successes

Many people who experience Imposter Syndrome chronically dismiss their role in achieving positive results. They chalk their success up to luck, the actions of others, or others being mistaken about them. That opens the door to self-doubt.

It’s crucial to acknowledge and celebrate your accomplishments. This helps you internalize the reality of how you created the result which helps cultivate confidence.

Try these tips and let me know how they work for you. Email me at [email protected]. I’ll help you celebrate your success and I’m happy to answer any questions you have.

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